Make Shopper Marketing Work for You

Shopper marketing, which is a mix of consumer marketing and trade/channel marketing, is a way to connect with your customers while they're actually shopping—in the store or online. When used properly, shopper marketing helps drive purchase decisions in the moment. But how can CPG companies harness the power of this technique effectively? In this guide, we'll explore how shopper marketing works, why it's effective, and what you need to know to get started using it in your business.

How does shopper marketing work?

Shopper marketing is a way to connect with shoppers in the digital world. With shopper marketing, you can use your data to understand your shoppers and then use it to connect with them in relevant ways.

Shopper marketing involves using data to understand who your customers are and what they want. You can then segment them based on their interests and preferences, as well as on where they shop, how much money they spend, or other categories that are important to you.

When you segment consumers into different groups based on these factors (for example: frequent buyers vs. occasional buyers; millennials vs. baby boomers), you can tailor messages specifically for each group because each group has different needs from your brand or product offerings.

How is shopper marketing used?

Shopper marketing uses data and technology to connect with shoppers in the moment, and at their most receptive. It's an important part of the marketing mix because it drives sales by increasing brand awareness, building relationships with consumers, and enhancing loyalty.

Consumer brands often use shopper marketing strategies like data-driven promotions (discounts based on purchase history), content marketing (like advertising or social media posts), or digital coupons to reach their customers when they're making buying decisions.

How is shopper marketing used

How to apply shopper marketing programs.

CPG brands are increasingly using shopper marketing to reach their customers. Shopper marketing is more than just digital marketing—it's a way to get your brand in front of your customers at the right time, with the right message and offer, so that they're more likely to buy from you. It empowers companies to engage with their clients in ways that allow them to feel more connected and invested in their brand. The key is knowing how best to do this so that you can attract more shoppers while keeping costs low!

But how can CPG brands apply shopper marketing? Here are three ways:

  • Digital ads: This is the most common form of shopper marketing. You can use banner ads, video ads and mobile promos to reach customers on social media sites, search engines and other digital platforms.

  • Email marketing: Emails are one of the best ways to engage with shoppers at scale, but they should be relevant and personalized to get results.

  • Social media marketing: A growing number of consumers turn first to social channels for information about products or services before making a purchase decision. Your brand needs an active presence here if you want to reach these buyers effectively—and cost-effectively!

Shopper marketing tactics you can use.

Whether you're interested in improving your shopper marketing strategy or building one from scratch, there are some basic steps to follow. Here's what you need to know about shopper marketing tactics and how they work for CPG brands:

  • Use consumer data to understand your shoppers.
    This includes their demographics (age, gender etc.), psychographics (attitudes, interests), location data and past purchase history. Understand the behavior of shoppers and how they buy products from your category.

  • Use consumer data to understand their needs.
    You can use this information in order to create relevant marketing messages that speak directly to them on a personal level. Learn who your shoppers are and what they need from your products/services. Understand how these needs change over time so that you're speaking directly to them as they go through their journey as customers.

  • Collect feedback from your customers.
    When it comes to shopper marketing, your customers are your most valuable asset. Ask them how they feel about your product. This has the added benefit of helping your customer see that you take their needs seriously.

Connect with your shoppers.

Consumer habits are shifting—and you must shift with them if you want to succeed in today’s competitive marketplace. By focusing on shopper marketing strategies, you can use insights into the behaviors and preferences of your target audience to create more seamless and personalized shopping experiences that will help your brand thrive in this new world. Contact Thomas|Ferrous to learn more about how we can help develop your shopper marketing strategy. 


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